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Multilingual Web

Madrid, October 27th and 28th

Localization and web accessibility

Emmanuelle Gutiérrez y Restrepo, <>
Loïc Martínez Normand <>

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Emmanuelle Gutiérrez y Restrepo

Emmanuelle Gutiérrez y Restrepo

Loïc Martínez Normand

Loïc Martínez Normand

Political and social context

United Nations’ Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (UN, 2006). It is applicable in:

Purchases, taxes, education and mass media

Web content accessibility

Web content accessibility: three components of web accessibility and overview of WCAG 2.0

Internationalization Standars

ISO, LISA and W3C logos.

Accessibility ≠ Disability

people: we are diverse!

Accessibility applies to:

Key principle of web accessibility

Designing web sites and software that are flexible enough to meet different user needs, preferences, and situations.

The Sidar Foundation

SIDAR logo and WCAG 2.0 documents structure (principles, guidelines, success criteria, how to and and conformance)

Key WCAG 2.0 guidelines for localization (1)



Key WCAG 2.0 guidelines for localization (2)



Perceivable. Essential success criteria

Examples of perceivable criteria: alternative content, captions, sign language

Operable. Essential success criteria

Examples of operable success criteria: skip to content, titles, headings, link purpose...

Understable. Essential success criteria

Jokes about instructions

Robust. Essential success criteria

Syntax validation icons: CSS, HTML, XHTML, HTML5

A11y vs. I18n Quicktips

Comparison of Accessibility Internationalization guidelines showing correspondence between some of them

Accessibility is right not a privilege!

Bill Loughborough
William Loughborugh
In memorian

Thank you for your attention!

Emmanuelle Gutiérrez y Restrepo

Loïc Martínez Normand