$v) { if (strstr($k, '_')) { $k = str_replace('_', '', $k); if ($k{0} == 'c') { $x = substr($k, 1); $comentarios[$x] = trim(htmlspecialchars($v, ENT_QUOTES)); } else if ($k{0} == 'r') { $x = substr($k, 1); $mis_puntos[$x] = $v; } } } $resumen = trim(htmlspecialchars($_POST['resumen'], ENT_QUOTES)); $nombre = trim(htmlspecialchars($_POST['nombre'], ENT_QUOTES)); $query = "UPDATE ".DBTABLE." SET nombre='".$nombre."', resumen='".$resumen."', mis_puntos='".serialize($mis_puntos)."', comentarios='".base64_encode(serialize($comentarios))."', revision = now() WHERE id=".ID; $guardar = @mysql_query($query); if ($guardar) { $mis_resultados = '


'; //$hasta = gmdate($lang['formato_fecha'], strtotime("now + 7 days")); #$mis_resultados .= 'Hasta el día '.gmdate('d/m/Y', strtotime("now + 7 days")).', usted podrá retomar su trabajo ingresando a:

'; $mis_resultados .= 'Hasta el día '.gmdate('d/m/Y', strtotime("now + 7 days")).', usted podrá retomar su trabajo ingresando a:

'; unset($_SESSION['ultimo_id']); } else { $mis_resultados = '


'; } } } // End function DB_Query // Checkpoints arrays $wcag1 = array(11 => '1.1', 12 => '1.2', 13 => '1.3', 14 => '1.4', 15 => '1.5', 21 => '2.1', 22 => '2.2', 31 => '3.1', 32 => '3.2', 33 => '3.3', 34 => '3.4', 35 => '3.5', 36 => '3.6', 37 => '3.7', 41 => '4.1', 42 => '4.2', 43 => '4.3', 51 => '5.1', 52 => '5.2', 53 => '5.3', 54 => '5.4', 55 => '5.5', 56 => '5.6', 61 => '6.1', 62 => '6.2', 63 => '6.3', 64 => '6.4', 65 => '6.5', 71 => '7.1', 72 => '7.2', 73 => '7.3', 74 => '7.4', 75 => '7.5', 81 => '8.1', 91 => '9.1', 92 => '9.2', 93 => '9.3', 94 => '9.4', 95 => '9.5', 101 => '10.1', 102 => '10.2', 103 => '10.3', 104 => '10.4', 105 => '10.5', 111 => '11.1', 112 => '11.2', 113 => '11.3', 114 => '11.4', 121 => '12.1', 122 => '12.2', 123 => '12.3', 124 => '12.4', 131 => '13.1', 132 => '13.2', 133 => '13.3', 134 => '13.4', 135 => '13.5', 136 => '13.6', 137 => '13.7', 138 => '13.8', 139 => '13.9', 1310 => '13.10', 141 => '14.1', 142 => '14.2', 143 => '14.3'); $lst_A = array(11, 12, 13, 14, 21, 41, 51, 52, 61, 62, 63, 71, 81, 91, 114, 121, 141); $lst_AA = array(22, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 53, 54, 64, 65 , 72, 73, 74, 75, 92, 93, 101, 102, 111, 112, 122, 123, 124, 131, 132, 133, 134); $lst_AAA = array(15, 42, 43, 55, 56, 94, 95, 103, 104, 105, 113, 135, 136, 137, 138, 139, 1310, 142, 143); /*===================================================== Function: Make an absolute URI from a relative one =====================================================*/ function Absolute_URL($base, $url) { global $totales; @extract(parse_url($url)); do { extract(parse_url($base), EXTR_PREFIX_ALL, "B"); if (!isset($scheme)) { // Base scheme $scheme = $B_scheme; } else if ($scheme != $B_scheme) { // Not relative break; } if (isset($host) || isset($port)) { // Not relative break; } if (isset($B_host)) $host = $B_host; // Base host if (isset($B_port)) $port = $B_port; // Base port if (!isset($path)) { // Base path $path=$B_path; if (!isset($query) && isset($B_query)) { // Base query $query=$B_query; } } else if (!preg_match("@^/@", $path)) { // URI don't start with '/' $ppath = ""; if (isset($B_path)) { // Base have path $ppath = $B_path; $ppath = preg_replace("@/[^/]*$@", "/", $ppath); } else { $ppath = "/"; } $path = $ppath.$path; $oldpath = ""; do { $oldpath = $path; $path = preg_replace('@/\./@','/',$path); } while($path != $oldpath); $path = preg_replace('@/\.$@', '/', $path); do { $oldpath = $path; $path = preg_replace('@/[^/]*/\.\./@','/',$path);} while($path != $oldpath); $path = preg_replace('@/[^/]/\.\.$@','/',$path); $path = preg_replace('@/\.\./@','/',$path); } } while(0); if (!isset($path)) $path = '/'; // Make URI if (isset($scheme)) { $url = "$scheme:"; } if (isset($host)) { $url .= "//$host"; if (isset($port)) { $url .= ":$port"; } } if (isset($path)) $url .= $path; if (isset($query)) { if (!isset($path)) $url .= "/"; $url .= "?$query"; } if (isset($fragment)) $url .= "#$fragment"; return $url; } // End function Absolute_URL function Info($pto, $res) { global $elem, $totales, $info, $lang; $total_prog = array ( 'script' => $totales['script'], 'applet' => $totales['applet'], 'embed' => $totales['embed'], 'object' => $totales['object'] ); $nada = sprintf($info['nada'], strtolower($elem[$pto])); switch ($pto) { case 1: if ($res == 'chk') { $txt = '('.$lang['dd_alt_ico_man2'].')'; } else if ($res == 'chked') { $txt = 'Verificación manual'; } break; case 1101: if ($res=='mal') { $resta = $totales['img'] - $totales['alt_img']; $txt = sprintf($info['p1101_mal'], $resta); if ($totales['alt_img']) { $txt .= ' '.sprintf($info['p1101_mal2'], $totales['alt_img']); } } else if ($res=='duda') { $txt = sprintf($info['p1101_duda'], $totales['alt_img']); } else if ($res=='na') { $txt = $nada; } break; case 1102: if ($res=='mal') { $resta2 = $totales['input_image'] - $totales['alt_input']; $txt = sprintf($info['p1102_mal'], $resta2); if ($totales['alt_input']) { $txt .= ' '.sprintf($info['p1102_mal2'], $totales['alt_input']); } } else if ($res=='duda') { $txt = sprintf($info['p1102_duda'], $totales['alt_input']); } else if ($res=='na') { $txt = $nada; } break; case 1103: if ($res=='mal') { $resta3 = $totales['area'] - $totales['alt_area']; $txt = sprintf($info['p1103_mal'], $resta3); if ($totales['alt_area']) { $txt .= ' '.sprintf($info['p1103_mal2'], $totales['alt_area']); } } else if ($res=='duda') { $txt = sprintf($info['p1103_duda'], $totales['alt_area']); } else if ($res=='na') { $txt = $nada; } break; case 1104: if ($res=='duda') { if ($totales['noscript'] == 0) { $txt = sprintf($info['p1104_duda'], $totales['script_body']); } else { $txt = sprintf($info['p1104_duda2'], $totales['noscript'], $totales['script_body']); } } else if ($res=='na') { $txt = $info['p1104_na']; } break; case 1105: if ($res=='mal') { if ($totales['noembed'] == 0) { $cant5 = $info['p1105_malb']; } else if ($totales['noembed'] == 1) { $cant5 = $info['p1105_malc']; } else { $cant5 = sprintf($info['p1105_mald'], $totales['noembed']); } $txt = sprintf($info['p1105_mala'], $totales['embed']).' '.$cant5; } else if ($res=='duda') { $txt = sprintf($info['p1105_duda'], $totales['embed']); } else if ($res=='na') { $txt = $nada; } break; case 1106: if ($res=='duda') { $txt = sprintf($info['p1106_duda'], $totales['applet'], $totales['alt_applet']); } else if ($res=='na') { $txt = $nada; } break; case 1107: if ($res=='duda') { $txt = sprintf($info['p1107_duda'], $totales['object']); } else if ($res=='na') { $txt = $nada; } break; case 1108: if ($res=='duda') { $txt = sprintf($info['p1108_duda'], $totales['iframe']); } else if ($res=='na') { $txt = $nada; } break; case 1109: if ($res=='duda') { $txt = sprintf($info['p1109_duda'], $totales['hrefson']); } else if ($res=='na') { $txt = $info['p1109_na']; } break; case 1110: if ($res=='duda') { $txt = sprintf($info['p1110_duda'], $totales['hrefapp']); } else if ($res=='na') { $txt = $info['p1110_na']; } break; case 1111: if ($res=='duda') { $txt = $info['p1111_duda']; } else if ($res=='mal') { if ($totales['noframes'] > 0) { $txt = $info['p1111_mal']; } else { $txt = $info['p1111_mal2']; } } else if ($res=='na') { $txt = $nada; } break; case 12: if ($res=='duda') { $txt = sprintf($info['p12_duda'], $totales['ismap']); } else if ($res=='na') { $txt = $nada; } break; case 1301: if ($res=='duda') { $txt = sprintf($info['p1301_duda'], $totales['embed']); } else if ($res=='na') { $txt = $nada; } break; case 1302: if ($res=='duda') { $txt = sprintf($info['p1302_duda'], $totales['object']); } else if ($res=='na') { $txt = $nada; } break; case 1303: if ($res=='duda') { $txt = sprintf($info['p1303_duda'], $totales['hrefapp']); } else if ($res=='na') { $txt = $info['p1303_na']; } break; case 1401: if ($res=='duda') { $txt = sprintf($info['p1401_duda'], $totales['embed']); } else if ($res=='na') { $txt = $nada; } break; case 1402: if ($res=='duda') { $txt = sprintf($info['p1402_duda'], $totales['object']); } else if ($res=='na') { $txt = $nada; } break; case 1403: if ($res=='duda') { $txt = sprintf($info['p1403_duda'], $totales['hrefapp']); } else if ($res=='na') { $txt = $info['p1403_na']; } break; case 15: if ($res=='bien') { $txt = sprintf($info['p15_bien'], $totales['usemap'], $totales['area']); } else if ($res=='mal') { $txt = sprintf($info['p15_mal'], $totales['usemap'], $totales['area'], $totales['area_sin_red']); } else if ($res=='na') { $txt = $nada; } break; case 21: if ($res=='duda') { $txt = $info['p21_duda']; } break; case 22: if ($res=='duda') { $txt = $info['p22_duda']; } break; case 31: if ($res=='bien') { $txt = $info['p31_bien']; } else if ($res=='duda') { $txt = $info['p31_duda']; } break; case 3201: if ($res=='bien') { $txt = sprintf($info['p3201_bien'], $totales['dtd_version']); } else if ($res=='mal') { if ($totales['!doctype'] == 1) { $txt = sprintf($info['p3201_mal'], $totales['dtd_version']); } else if ($totales['!doctype'] > 1) { $txt = sprintf($info['p3201_mal2'], $totales['!doctype']); } else { $txt = $info['p3201_mal3']; } } else if ($res=='duda') { $txt = sprintf($info['p3201_duda'], $totales['dtd']); } break; case 3202: if ($res=='bien') { $txt = $info['p3202_bien']; } else if ($res=='mal') { $txt = $info['p3202_mal']; } else if ($res=='duda') { $txt = $info['p3202_duda']; } else if ($res=='na') { $txt = $nada; } break; case 3301: if ($res=='mal') { $txt = $info['p3301_mal']; } else if ($res=='duda') { $txt = $info['p3301_duda']; } else if ($res=='bien') { if ($totales['hay_estilos'] == 1) { $txt = $info['p3301_bien']; } else { $txt = $info['p3301_bien2']; } } break; case 3302: $presentacion = $totales['b'] + $totales['center'] + $totales['font'] + $totales['i'] + $totales['s'] + $totales['strike'] + $totales['u']; if ($res=='mal') { $txt = sprintf($info['p3302_mal'], intval($presentacion)); } else if ($res=='bien') { $txt = $info['p3302_bien']; } break; case 3303: if ($res=='mal') { $txt = sprintf($info['p3303_mal'], $totales['attr_pres']); } else if ($res=='bien') { $txt = $info['p3303_bien']; } break; case 3401: if ($res=='duda') { if ($totales['table'] > 0) { $txt = $info['p3401_duda']; } $txt .= ' '.$info['p3401_duda2']; } else if ($res=='mal') { $txt = $info['p3401_mal']; } break; case 3402: if ($res=='mal') { $txt = $info['p3402_mal']; } else if ($res=='bien') { $txt = $info['p3402_bien']; } break; case 35: if ($res=='duda') { if($totales['h1'] == 0) { $txt = $info['p35_duda']; } if($totales['horden'] > 0) { $txt .= ' '.$info['p35_duda2']; } } else if ($res=='bien') { $txt = $info['p35_bien']; } else if ($res=='mal') { $txt = $info['p35_mal']; } break; case 36: if ($res=='mal') { $txt = $info['p36_mal']; } else if ($res=='duda') { if ($totales['ol']>0) { $lst = sprintf($info['p36_lia'], $totales['ol']).' '; } if ($totales['ul']>0) { $lst .= sprintf($info['p36_lib'], $totales['ul']).' '; } if ($totales['dl']>0) { $lst .= sprintf($info['p36_lic'], $totales['dl']); } if ($lst != '') { $txt = sprintf($info['p36_duda'], trim($lst)); } else { $txt = $nada; } $txt .= ' '.$info['p36_duda2']; } break; case 37: if ($res=='duda') { if ($totales['q'] + $totales['blockquote'] > 0) { $txt = $info['p37_duda']; } else { $txt = $info['p37_duda2']; } $txt .= ' '.$info['p37_duda3']; } break; case 41: if ($totales['attr_lang'] > 0) { $textoi = sprintf($info['p41_duda2'], $totales['attr_lang']); } if ($res=='duda') { $txt = $info['p41_duda'].' '.$textoi.' '.$info['p41_duda3']; } break; case 42: if ($res=='duda') { $cant = $totales['abbr'] + $totales['acronym']; if ($cant > 0) { $textoa = sprintf($info['p42_duda2'], $cant); } $txt = $info['p42_duda'].' '.$textoa.' '.$info['p42_duda3']; } break; case 43: if ($res=='bien') { if (stristr($totales['!doctype'],'XHTML 1.1')) { $cod = $totales['lang_xml']; } else { $cod = $totales['lang_pri']; } $txt = sprintf($info['p43_bien'], $cod); } else if ($res=='mal') { if (!$totales['lang_pri']) { $txt = $info['p43_mal']; } else { if (($totales['xhtml'] > 0) && (!$totales['lang_xml'])) { $txt = sprintf($info['p43_mal2'], $totales['lang_pri']); } else if (($totales['lang_xml']) && ($totales['lang_xml'] != $totales['lang_pri'])) { $txt = $info['p43_mal3']; } } } break; case 51: if ($res=='duda') { $txt = sprintf($info['p51_duda'], $totales['table'], $totales['td']); if ($totales['th'] > 0) { $txt .= ' '.sprintf($info['p51_duda2'], $totales['th']); } else { $txt .= ' '.$info['p51_duda3']; } } else if ($res=='na') { $txt = $nada; } break; case 52: if ($res=='duda') { $tab = $info['p52_duda3']; if ($totales['th'] > 0) { $txt = sprintf($info['p52_duda'], $totales['table']); if ($totales['cell_asoc'] > 1) { $txt .= ' '.$info['p52_duda2']; } else { $txt .= ' '.$tab; } } else { $txt = sprintf($info['p52_duda4'], $totales['table']).' '.$tab; } } else if ($res=='na') { $txt = $nada; } break; case 53: if ($res=='duda') { $txt = $info['p53_duda']; } else if ($res=='bien') { $txt = $nada; } break; case 54: if ($res=='duda') { $txt = $info['p54_duda']; } else if ($res=='bien') { $txt = sprintf($info['p54_bien'], $totales['table']); } else if ($res=='na') { $txt = $nada; } break; case 55: if ($res=='duda') { if ($totales['th'] > 0) { if ($totales['summary'] > 0) { $txt = sprintf($info['p55_duda'], $totales['table'], $totales['summary']); } } else { if (!$totales['summary']) { $txt = sprintf($info['p55_duda2'], $totales['table']); } } } else if ($res=='mal') { if ($totales['th'] > 0) { if (!$totales['summary']) { $txt = sprintf($info['p55_mal'], $totales['table']); } } else { if ($totales['summary'] > 0) { $txt = sprintf($info['p55_mal2'], $totales['table'], $totales['summary']); } } } else if ($res=='na') { $txt = sprintf($info['nada'], strtolower($elem[103])); } break; case 56: if ($res=='duda') { if ($totales['th_abbr']) { $txt = sprintf($info['p56_duda'], $totales['th_abbr']); } else { $txt = $info['p56_duda2']; } $txt .= ' '.$info['p56_duda3']; } else if ($res=='na') { $txt = $info['p56_na']; } break; case 61: if ($res=='duda') { $txt = $info['p61_duda']; } else if ($res=='na') { $txt = $nada; } break; case 6201: if ($res=='duda') { $txt = $info['p6201_duda']; } else if ($res=='na') { $txt = $nada; } break; case 6202: if ($res=='mal') { $txt = sprintf($info['p6202_mal'], $totales['img_en_frame']); } else if ($res=='duda') { $txt = $info['p6202_duda']; } else if ($res=='na') { $txt = $nada; } break; case 6301: if ($res=='mal') { $txt = sprintf($info['p6301_mal'], $totales['href_javascript']); } else if ($res=='duda') { $txt = $info['p6301_duda']; } else if ($res=='na') { $txt = $nada; } break; case 6302: if ($res=='duda') { $txt = sprintf($info['p6302_duda'], $totales['script']); } else if ($res=='na') { $txt = $nada; } break; case 6303: if ($res=='duda') { $txt = sprintf($info['p6303_duda'], $totales['embed'], $totales['object']); } else if ($res=='na') { $txt = $nada; } break; case 6304: if ($res=='duda') { $txt = sprintf($info['p6304_duda'], $totales['applet']); } else if ($res=='na') { $txt = $nada; } break; case 64: if ($res=='bien') { $txt = $info['p64_bien']; } else if ($res=='mal') { $txt = $info['p64_mal']; } else if ($res=='duda') { $txt = $info['p64_duda']; } else if ($res=='na') { $txt = $nada; } break; case 6501: if ($res=='duda') { $txt = sprintf($info['p6501_duda'], $totales['script']); } else if ($res=='na') { $txt = $nada; } break; case 6502: if ($res=='duda') { $txt = $info['p6502_duda']; } else if ($res=='mal') { if ($totales['noframes'] > 0) { $txt = $info['p6502_mal']; } else { $txt = $info['p6502_mal2']; } } else if ($res=='na') { $txt = $nada; } break; case 71: if ($res=='duda') { $txt = $info['p71_duda']; foreach($total_prog as $k => $v) { if ($v > 0) { $txt .= ' ('.$k.': '.$v.')'; } } } else if ($res=='bien') { $txt = $info['p71_bien']; } break; case 72: if ($res=='duda') { $txt = $info['p72_duda']; foreach($total_prog as $k => $v) { if ($v > 0) { $txt .= ' ('.$k.': '.$v.')'; } } } else if ($res=='mal') { $txt = $info['p72_mal']; } else if ($res=='bien') { $txt = $info['p72_bien']; } break; case 73: if ($res=='duda') { $txt = $info['p73_duda']; foreach($total_prog as $k => $v) { if ($v > 0) { $txt .= ' ('.$k.': '.$v.') '; } } } else if ($res=='mal') { $txt = $info['p73_mal']; } else if ($res=='bien') { $txt = $info['p73_bien']; } break; case 7401: if ($res=='mal') { $txt = $info['p7401_mal']; } else if ($res=='bien') { if ($totales['refresh'] > 0) { $txt = $info['p7401_bien']; } else { $txt = $info['p7401_bien2']; } } break; case 7402: if ($res=='bien') { $txt = $info['p7402_bien']; } else if ($res=='duda') { $txt = $info['p7402_duda']; } break; case 7501: if ($res=='mal') { $txt = $info['p7501_mal']; } else if ($res=='bien') { if ($totales['redirect'] > 0) { $txt = $info['p7501_bien']; } else { $txt = $info['p7501_bien2']; } } break; case 7502: if ($res=='bien') { $txt = $info['p7502_bien']; } else if ($res=='duda') { $txt = $info['p7502_duda']; } break; case 8101: if ($res=='bien') { $txt = $info['p8101_bien']; } else if ($res=='mal') { $txt = $info['p8101_mal']; } else if ($res=='duda') { $txt = $info['p8101_duda']; } else if ($res=='na') { $txt = $nada; } break; case 8102: if ($res=='duda') { $txt = sprintf($info['p8102_duda'], $totales['embed']); } else if ($res=='na') { $txt = $nada; } break; case 8103: if ($res=='duda') { $txt = sprintf($info['p8103_duda'], $totales['applet']); } else if ($res=='na') { $txt = $nada; } break; case 8104: if ($res=='duda') { $txt = sprintf($info['p8104_duda'], $totales['object']); } else if ($res=='na') { $txt = $nada; } break; case 91: if ($res=='mal') { $txt = sprintf($info['p91_mal'], $totales['ismap']); } else if ($res=='bien') { $txt = sprintf($info['p91_bien'], $totales['usemap']); } else if ($res=='na') { $txt = $nada; } break; case 9201: if ($res=='duda') { $txt = sprintf($info['p9201_duda'], $totales['ismap']); } else if ($res=='na') { $txt = $nada; } break; case 9202: if ($res=='duda') { $txt = $info['p9202_duda']; foreach($total_prog as $k => $v) { if (($k != 'script') && ($v > 0)) { $txt .= ' ('.$k.': '.$v.')'; } } } else if ($res=='na') { $txt = $nada; } break; case 93: if ($res=='bien') { $txt = $info['p93_bien']; } else if ($res=='mal') { $txt = $info['p93_mal']; } else if ($res=='na') { $txt = $nada; } break; case 94: if ($res=='duda') { if ($totales['attr_tabindex'] > 0) { $txt = sprintf($info['p94_duda'], $totales['attr_tabindex']); } else { $txt = $info['p94_duda2']; } $txt .= ' '.$info['p94_duda3']; } break; case 95: if ($res=='bien') { $txt = sprintf($info['p95_bien'], $totales['attr_accesskey']); } else if ($res=='mal') { $txt = $info['p95_mal']; } break; case 10101: if ($res=='bien') { $txt = $info['p10101_bien']; } else if ($res=='duda') { $txt = sprintf($info['p10101_duda'], $totales['attr_target']); } break; case 10102: if ($res=='bien') { $txt = $info['p10102_bien']; } else if ($res=='duda') { $txt = $info['p10102_duda']; } break; case 102: $form_label = $totales['input_label'] + $totales['select'] + $totales['textarea']; if ($res=='mal') { $txt = sprintf($info['p102_mal'], $form_label); if ($totales['label'] > 0) { $txt .= ' '.sprintf($info['p102_mal2'], $totales['label']); } else { $txt .= ' '.$info['p102_mal3']; } } else if ($res=='duda') { $txt = sprintf($info['p102_duda'], $form_label, $totales['label']); } else if ($res=='na') { $txt = $info['p102_bien']; } break; case 103: if ($res=='duda') { $txt = $info['p103_duda']; } else if ($res=='na') { $txt = $nada; } break; case 104: if ($res=='bien') { $txt = $info['p104_bien']; } else if ($res=='mal') { $txt = sprintf($info['p104_mal'], $totales['input_vacio']); } else if ($res=='na') { $txt = $info['p104_na']; } break; case 105: if ($res=='bien') { $txt = $info['p105_bien']; } else if ($res=='mal') { $txt = sprintf($info['p105_mal'], $totales['a_adya']); } else if ($res=='na') { $txt = $info['p105_na']; } break; case 111: if ($res=='mal') { if ($totales['dtd_vieja'] > 0) { $txt = sprintf($info['p111_mal'], $totales['dtd']); } if ($totales['!doctype'] == 0) { $txt .= ' '.$info['p111_mal2']; } if ($totales['applet'] + $totales['embed'] + $totales['blink'] + $totales['marquee'] + $totales['flash'] > 0) { $txt .= ' '.$info['p111_mal3']; } } else if ($res=='duda') { if ($totales['dtd_nueva'] > 0) { $txt = $info['p111_duda']; } if ($totales['hay_estilos'] > 0) { $txt .= ' '.$info['p111_duda2']; } $txt .= ' '.$info['p111_duda3']; } break; case 11201: if ($res=='bien') { $txt = $info['p11201_bien']; } else if ($res=='mal') { $txt = sprintf($info['p11201_mal'], $totales['elem_deprec']); } break; case 11202: if ($res=='bien') { $txt = $info['p11202_bien']; } else if ($res=='mal') { $txt = sprintf($info['p11202_mal'], $totales['attr_deprec']); } break; case 113: if ($res=='duda') { $txt = $info['p113_duda']; } break; case 114: if ($res=='duda') { $txt = $info['p114_duda']; } break; case 121: if ($res=='mal') { if ($totales['titulo_frame'] > 0) { if ($totales['frame'] > $totales['titulo_frame']) { $txt = $info['p121_mal']; } } else { $txt = $info['p121_mal2']; } } else if ($res=='duda') { $txt = $info['p121_duda']; } else if ($res=='na') { $txt = $nada; } break; case 122: if ($res=='mal') { $txt = $info['p122_mal']; } else if ($res=='duda') { $txt = $info['p122_duda']; if ($totales['longdesc_frame'] > 0) { $txt .= ' '.sprintf($info['p122_duda2'], $totales['longdesc_frame']); } else { $txt .= ' '.$info['p122_duda3']; } } else if ($res=='na') { $txt = $nada; } break; case 123: if ($res=='mal') { $txt = $info['p123_mal']; } else if ($res=='duda') { $txt = $info['p123_duda']; } break; case 124: $form_label = $totales['input_label'] + $totales['select'] + $totales['textarea']; if ($res=='mal') { if ($form_label > $totales['label']) { if ($totales['label'] > 0) { $txt = $info['p124_mal']; } else { $txt = $info['p124_mal2']; } } else { if ($totales['label'] > $totales['attr_for']) { $txt = $info['p124_mal3']; } else { foreach ($totales['for_id'] as $f) { if (!in_array($f, $totales['id_for'])) { $txt = $info['p124_mal4']; } } } } } else if ($res=='duda') { $txt = sprintf($info['p124_duda'], $form_label, $totales['label']); } else if ($res=='na') { $txt = $info['p124_na']; } break; case 131: if ($res=='duda') { $txt = $info['p131_duda']; } else if ($res=='na') { $txt = $nada; } break; case 132: if ($res=='duda') { $txt = $info['p132_duda']; } break; case 133: if ($res=='duda') { $txt = $info['p133_duda']; } break; case 134: if ($res=='duda') { $txt = $info['p134_duda']; } break; case 135: if ($res=='duda') { $txt = $info['p135_duda']; } break; case 136: if ($res=='duda') { $txt = $info['p136_duda']; } break; case 137: if ($res=='duda') { $txt = $info['p137_duda']; } break; case 138: if ($res=='duda') { $txt = $info['p138_duda']; } break; case 139: if ($res=='duda') { $txt = $info['p139_duda']; if ($totales['link_rel'] > 0) { $txt .= ' '.sprintf($info['p139_duda2'], $totales['link_rel']); } } break; case 1310: if ($res=='duda') { $txt = $info['p1310_duda']; } break; case 141: if ($res=='duda') { $txt = $info['p141_duda']; } break; case 142: if ($res=='duda') { $txt = $info['p142_duda']; } break; case 143: if ($res=='duda') { $txt = $info['p143_duda']; } break; } // End switch return $txt; } // End function Info() /*====================== Function: Get time ======================*/ function Get_MTime() { list($usec, $sec) = explode(" ", microtime()); return ((float)$usec + (float)$sec); } function cleanStr(&$str){ //$patron="@([^a-zA-Z0-9&:\/\.\~\-\_\;])@i"; //if(is_string($str)) $str = htmlspecialchars(preg_replace($patron, '', $str)); if(is_string($str)) $str = htmlspecialchars($str, ENT_QUOTES); else if(is_array($str)){ while(list($c,$v)=each($str)){cleanStr($str[$c]);} reset($str); } } function cleanAll(){ if(!empty($_REQUEST)) cleanStr($_REQUEST); if(!empty($_POST)) cleanStr($_POST); if(!empty($_GET)) cleanStr($_GET); } ?>